Hannah’s Hope: Seeking God’s Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage, and Adoption Loss
Hannah’s Hope is intended as a guide to assist you in making wise decisions as you struggle through your grief of not yet conceiving, losing a child, or struggling through the adoption process.
About the Author
Jennifer Saake
Jennifer (Camp) Saake is a beloved wife in a marriage God redeemed from the brink of divorce, a long-awaited mom to three miracles on earth and several others who slipped from her womb into Heaven over a ten-year struggle (as well as multiple failed adoption attempts), co-founder of Hannah’s Prayer (infertility, miscarriage) ministries, a published author, a young stroke survivor (six catastrophic strokes at age 39, via chiropractic neck adjustment gone wrong), and a woman striving to learn the simple freedom of grace.