Open: Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage
Finally, a book about open marriage that grapples with the problems surrounding monogamy and fidelity in an honest, heartfelt, and non-fringe manner. Jenny Block is your average girl next door, a suburban wife and mother for whom married life never felt quite right. While many books on this topic presuppose that the reader is ready to embrace an ‘alternative lifestyle,’ Block operates from the assumption that most couples who are curious about or engaged in open marriages are in fact more like her – normal people who question whether monogamy is right for them; good people who love their spouses but want variation; capable parents who are not deviant just because they choose to be honest about their desires. Open challenges our notions of what traditional marriage looks like, and presents one woman’s journey down an uncertain path that ultimately proves open marriage is a viable option for her and others.
Jenny Block began her career in words teaching college English in Virginia. Before too long, she found herself writing articles and books about everything from art to rock climbing to finding love. After that came radio and television appearances, as well as speaking engagements at universities, at museums, and even on cruise ships. She has traveled the world and has had the pleasure of meeting and working with all kinds of people from all kinds of places doing all kinds of things. That’s when she discovered her magic-bringing out That Unicorn in all of us. Now, Jenny spends her time and her words living her truth and sharing her shine on a lake in Nowhere, Texas with her wife Robin and her Chihuahua-terrier Walter.
Jenny holds both her BA and her MA in English from Virginia Commonwealth University and taught college composition for nearly ten years.
She has written for a wide variety of publications and websites, including huffingtonpost.com, yourtango.com, American Way, Veranda, the Dallas Morning News, the Dallas Voice, edgedallas.com, literarymama.com, Spirit, chow.com, and ellegirl.com. She formerly wrote a weekly column for the Dallas Morning News publication Quick called “Sex Talk with Jenny Block” (quickdfw.com) and a monthly sex column for FoxNews.com.
Her essay “And Then We Were Poly” is included in Rebecca Walker’s book, One Big Happy Family: 18 Writers Talk About Polyamory, Open Adoption, Mixed Marriage, Househusbandry, Single Motherhood, and Other Realities of Truly Modern Love (Riverhead Hardcover, February 2009), which received a starred review from Kirkus.
Jenny’s essay “On Being Barbie” is included in book “It’s a Girl: Women Writers on Raising Daughters” (Seal Press, March 2006) edited by Andrea Buchanan (The Daring Book for Girls). Jenny is the Lambda Literary Award winning author of “Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage” (Seal Hardcover, June 2008 and Seal Paperback, March 2009)
Jenny has appeared on a variety of television and radio programs, including Fox and Friends, The Glenn Beck Show, The Tyra Banks Show, Good Morning Texas, The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, foxnews.com (online video), Playboy Radio, The Alan Colmes Show, The Young Turks, and BBC Radio. “Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage” was written up and/or reviewed both nationally and internationally in and on a variety of publications and sites, including Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Glamour, Marie Claire, Curve, Observer UK, Maxi (Germany), Psychologies (UK), Playgirl, NPR’s Morning Edition, The New York Times, feministing.com, San Francisco Chronicle, New York Daily News, 2: The Magazine for Couples (Canada), wow-womenonwriting.com, and the Baltimore City Paper. Jenny has also spoken in bookstores and other venues all across the country, including Georgetown University and The Science Museum of Virginia.